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Invitation to our Summer Get Together

Dear Club Members,

We hope this message finds you well. As summer is in full swing, we are excited to invite you to our annual Summer Get Together! This year, we are thrilled to host the event at the beautiful home of one of our esteemed members.

Date: Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
Time: 2:30 p.m. onwards
Location: at a member’s home in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Theme: Hawaiian

Cost: $20.00/person



Join us for an afternoon filled with good company, delicious food, and lively conversation. It’s the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the warmth of summer with fellow members.

Please RSVP by Monday July 22nd to ensure we have enough refreshments and seating for everyone.

We look forward to sharing a memorable summer afternoon with you. Cost: $20.00 per person.

* BPW Makes a World of Difference *

To attend our regular Monthly Meetings held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, BPW Members WORLDWIDE FREE — Guests attend 2 Free Monthly Meetings, then pay CAN$10 when attending on Zoom or in person.   

Note: Our February, April, May and all Social Meetings are FREE for EVERYONE!

Donations and payments for Monthly Meetings, Special Events and Fundraisers are gratefully accepted as an e-Transfer to meetings.bpwniagarafalls@gmail.com — Please note that Special Events and Fundraisers are not counted as monthly meetings. Thank you.

The Zoom link & agenda will be sent to the email you used to register at 5:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting, from our club email address: bpwniagarafalls@gmail.com

Thank you for your interest in joining us!

Meeting Dates (Select One)

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