Welcome to our BPW Niagara Falls Monthly Meetings!

Invitation to our Summer Get Together

Dear Club Members,

We hope this message finds you well. As summer is in full swing, we are excited to invite you to our annual Summer Get Together! This year, we are thrilled to host the event at the beautiful home of one of our esteemed members.

Date: Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
Time: 2:30 p.m. onwards
Location: at a member’s home in Niagara Falls, Ontario

Theme: Hawaiian
Cost: $20.00/person

Join us for an afternoon filled with good company, delicious food, and lively conversation. It’s the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the warmth of summer with fellow members.

Please RSVP by Monday July 22nd to ensure we have enough refreshments and seating for everyone.

We look forward to sharing a memorable summer afternoon with you. $20.00/person

For regular monthly meetings, all BPW Members: FREE

Guests: 2 FREE monthly meetings, then $10.

Note: We hold many totally FREE meetings: February, April, May and Social Meetings!

You are treated to a Guest Speaker. You will have networking opportunities, and you will meet amazing women like yourself, Women Working for Women! What a fantastic deal!

Click here to register now for each meeting!

Donations are gratefully accepted! Payments as e-Transfers can be sent to our email  meetings.bpwniagarafalls@gmail.com

Our Speakers: We can click on the name and title of the Presenter, download the PDF flyer and share it widely on Social Media. Also, we can right-click on the main flyer (first image on this page, if applicable) and share the image in our email.

Past Speakers…. THANK YOU to ALL!