
Welcome to our BPW Niagara Falls Monthly Meetings!

BPW Members Worldwide: FREE! — Guests: 2 FREE monthly meetings, then $10.

Note: We hold many totally FREE meetings: February, April, May and Social Meetings!

You are treated to a Guest Speaker. You will have networking opportunities, and you will meet amazing women like yourself, Women Working for Women! What a fantastic deal!

Click here to register now for each meeting.

Donations are gratefully accepted! Payments as e-Transfers can be sent to our email  meetings.bpwniagarafalls@gmail.com

Our Speakers: We can click on the name and title of the Presenter, download the PDF flyer and share it widely on Social Media. Also, we can right-click on the main flyer (first image on this page, if applicable) and share the image in our email.

Past Speakers…. THANK YOU to ALL!