“BPW Makes a World of Difference”
BPW develops the professional, business and leadership potential of women on all levels through advocacy, mentoring, networking, skill building and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world.
Do you share our interests or concerns and wish to be women working for women? Would you like to work with us to achieve our aims and objectives? Are you simply a casual visitor to our site? We’d love to hear from you and welcome you to a monthly meeting.
Mandate: The Business and Professional Women is an equality-seeking non-sectarian, non-profit, and non-partisan organization. We work to improve the economic, political, social and employment conditions of women.
BPW Niagara Falls holds monthly dinner meetings which provide opportunities to stay informed on women’s issues. Members enjoy a guest speaker and network with other working women. We also hold social events and have several active committees. Clubs are involved in community work, such as supporting local women’s shelters, providing bursaries for female students, and helping to provide lunches to children in our communities.
BPW Ontario is a non-sectarian, non-profit, non-partisan organization which promotes the interests of working women. It operates within the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs—BPW Canada. It works towards the improvement of the status of women in all phases of society, especially in business, the professions, and industry.
BPW Ontario is a member of the Provincial Council of Women and Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund. It interacts with other organizations in areas of mutual interest and concern. These include Friends of Women’s College Hospital, Soroptimist, Zonta International, UNESCO, United Nations Development Fund for Women, and Canadian Federation of University Women.
Organization and Funding of BPW
With over 600 members in 14 clubs across Ontario, these are organized into six districts: Southwestern Ontario, Central Ontario, Golden Horseshoe, Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Southeastern Ontario and Northern Ontario.
BPW Ontario is administered by a Board of Director. BPW Ontario receives no funding from any government or agency. It operates on a budget supported solely by membership fees, fundraising activities, and donations.
Aims and Objectives of BPW
- Work towards the improvement of economic, employment, political and social conditions for women.
- Strive for high standards of service in business, the professions, industry, and public life.
- Stimulate interest in federal, provincial, and municipal affairs, and encourage women to participate in the business of government at all levels.
- Encourage and assist women and girls to acquire education and training.
- Affiliate with other organizations to promote mutual interests.
- Cooperate with the National and International Federation of Business and Professional Women and implement its aims and objectives.
How the Gender Pay Gap Limits Women In Leadership
Canadian women on the gender pay gap, and how we can fix it—Macleans.ca

BPW Canada Online Club
BPW North America & The Caribbean